Explore strategies for demonstrating value at NAGAP Gem Summit

Enrollment marketers often face unique challenges when engaging with faculty. We’ve reached a critical milestone where marketing services are more in demand than ever, yet there is still misunderstanding and a hesitancy to let the experts take the lead.

Unlike in agency or industry settings, higher education typically does not have staff solely dedicated to relationship management.

I invite you to join me at the 2025 NAGAP GEM Summit in San Francisco to explore how the marketing and communications team at the Mitch Daniels School of Business at Purdue University is working to break down silos and build up stronger relationships between faculty and staff.

My session The Communication Advantage: Earning Trust and Demonstrating Value offers practical strategies for implementing industry standard relationship management principles for setting expectations, create transparency, and promoting positive organizational change.


Learn how to launch a blog at CASE District V Conference